Currently, new technologies are making it possible to cover different administrative or business areas with greater efficiency, speed and security, depending on each case. A good example of this would be the role of logistics in the different work sectors in order to streamline and optimize administrative performance.
At Delego, we believe that the growth of global trade and the complexity of business operations have made it necessary to understand the different types of logistics that could serve as useful tools in the evolution of any project.
Discover the 5 most popular types of logistics today
If you are a professional with a start-up company or an experienced entrepreneur in the wide world of business. It is ideal that you know the different types of logistics that exist and could help you to improve the operation of your company.
Here are the 5 most popular types of logistics that could be useful to you in the management of your commercial enterprise:
Information logistics
The one that works directly with the storage of information data. Basically, it must be kept in mind that information is a key element in production processes. Its proper management, which includes the capture, analysis, and distribution of data, is fundamental to optimize the production of any company. Lack of information or erroneous information can generate disruptions and negatively affect results.
Production logistics
This type of logistics is the one that is handled internally in any company or plant and is a direct part of the technological process. For example, the logistics of a manufacturing company is in charge of controlling the flow of profits, raw materials, materials and final products, as well as goods. Thus, the purpose of this logistics is to optimize the production costs required by any project or business company. Its functions are based on the analysis of demand, the improvement of the interaction between the different departments of the company, as well as the distribution of schedules and work plans. It also involves the monitoring and modification of the company's other production processes.
Inventory logistics
It specializes in inventory management, from final products to raw materials, allowing logistics experts to perform an exhaustive follow-up of stock levels. Through precise calculations and optimized strategies, it seeks to guarantee a constant flow of production and sales, avoiding unnecessary accumulation of products in warehouses.
Transportation logistics
This corresponds to the most frequently used logistics unit among distributors. Its main function is to establish the route that best suits the supply of goods from manufacturing and delivery of raw materials to production. It also includes the management of transportation costs as well as the physical movement of goods. Transportation efficiency is important to reduce costs and improve speed of delivery.
Distribution logistics
This type of logistics deals with the transportation of finished products from the manufacturer to the final consumer. It includes the selection of routes and modes of transportation, as well as the timely delivery of products. Efficient distribution is key to customer satisfaction.
Transportation and distribution logistics: how to improve delivery routes with the help of technological tools
Although there are many types of logistics available in the commercial market, they could be useful to you depending on your needs or your company's objectives. It is best to have a technological tool that allows you to optimize tasks. You could do this by using intelligent software to streamline transportation and distribution logistics and organize delivery routes more efficiently.
To maximize customer satisfaction, we recommend identifying the nearest meeting points using our software. By prioritizing speed, agility, and efficiency in your deliveries, you can guarantee a seamless customer experience.
Delego: your last mile software to optimize your company logistics
In our case, Delego can be your partner in improving the operability of your deliveries. With our last mile software, you will be optimizing routes to the maximum, reduce costs and deliver on time without giving margin to possible delays. Forget about manual planning and get a more complete view of your operations, reducing the margin of error and allowing you to use that time and effort in other areas of your company.
If you want to know more interesting details about the services that Delego could offer you in terms of logistics, continue reading our blog.